Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Read it and weep sister (directed towards my shoe-fetishist friend).

My favourite type of shopping, I just went into the store, saw these shoes, tried one of them on, it fit, went to pay, no queue. 2 minutes tops.

Also found out that Swiss women have small boobs and big heads. Small boobs 'cause no strapless bras come without padding. Like I need that!

Big heads since the one-size-fits-all hats sold in H&M covered my whole head including face. Ok, so may not be a bad idea some my think, but still. The only reason I tried it on, was that it's 13 francs. But even I think it was a no-go.

The hat search goes on.

1 comment:

robert said...

Ich sehe, du hast mich wieder erwähnt;-) ich bin es und ich stehe dazu dein grösster Schuh und Fussfetischist. Amen!