Monday, May 30, 2011


I seriously need a GPS. I have absolutely no sense of direction and trouble following a map. Today I was going to see this doc, and the good thing is I always go early 'cause I know I don't find the way.

First I google-mapped it, but since the upgrade to explorer 9 it doesn't work. Then I hauled out my paper map of Zürich. It was listed. Great.

But when I got in the vicinity, it turned out it actually wasn't on the map. I guess the ring after the street name meant something. Should've read the manual.

And when in a bakery asking for directions my phone rang. A business call. So even before he could state his business I had him google-map it for me, telling him which crossing I was at and informing me which way to go. Excellent. I even had time for a ciggie before going in. And then of course I had to wait for half an hour before the doc could see me!


Anonymous said...

he, he - like the manual line :). Back in the old days I spent much time staring at the vicnity maps on tram and bus stops in Zurich trying to find somethingorother strasse,ring or gasse - if only I'd had your business contacts. although that said in those days I didnt have a mobile so it wouldnt have helped me much.

Witchbitch said...

It was a tiny street hidden away behind buildings, would've never found it by myself.

Anonymous said...

you could use an iPhone, maybe? Great help to me...

Witchbitch said...

I know, but I don't like iPhones. I'm clinging to my at least 4 year old mobile phone. I want a folding phone, and cannot stand the fingerprints on a touchscreen.