Sunday, May 15, 2011


Ok, so blogger fucked up and several of my posts have disappeared, but there are worse things in life so I'm choosing to forget about it.

What is funny is that I spent the evening with a bunch of mostly Swiss, watching the Eurovision song contest and Switzerland ended up last! Hahahahaha. I was told the last time they won was when Celine Dion was singing, and she's not even Swiss! French-Canadian if I'm not mistaken.

This Azerbaijan place, is that even a country? Gosh, I miss the time when Russia was USSR and Yugoslavia was just that. Much easier to keep track of.

And we were laughing a lot about the votes. Nordic countries vote for the Nordic, Russian countries vote for the Russians, Eastern European (a lot of them these days!) vote for the, wait for it, Eastern Europeans and so on. It's basically a political thing these days, and why not? After three of these songs/performances they all sound the same anyway.

But it was fun, especially when one of the guys decided to do his version of what I think was "Greese", at least the moves reminded me of it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hope you felt better the next day than I did after watching Eurovision with you!