Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Had a couple of friends over for dinner tonight. Always nice. Except for that one of them called a few hours before ETA saying she couldn't make it. She has a kid, and somehow the partner wouldn't be there in time. What could I say other than trying to be sympathetic? Although I by no means meant it. Kids are a nuisance. Period.

Ok, I understand that people want to procreate (not really, but studies has shown that it is so, and who am I to say otherwise without any scientific reasons?), and here I forgot what the point I was trying to make was.

So my friend and I went on enjoying herring, salmon and whatsit to go with, obviously some wine and good conversation.

After a while, I was happy to receive a message that the cancellation was cancelled, and she, the mother, was coming after all. And bringing a cake! A cake she told me on the phone she made, and I didn't believe, but turned out to be delish.

And a cake that enters my place, stays in my place. Just so that you know.


Anonymous said...

hmm, you didnt believe I was bringing cake or that I had made a cake myself?

Witchbitch said...

I wasn't sure if you really made a cake, 'cause you cancelled. Had some more today, delish!