Saturday, October 05, 2013

Dinner, but not fish

Was invited to dinner at my neighbours today. They have gotten a new pet. A fish not yet called Wanda, in fact, not called anything, which I thought was a bit unkind. But it turned out the fish was a bit unfriendly, having eaten all the companions he was offered. Ah well, if you don't eat you get eaten or something like that.

While enjoying a nice grill dinner (meat) we chatted and I said to them: "You can never guess what I did today?". Him: "sports?". Haha, funny guy.

We also discussed which Eastern European country is the most corrupt, and I learned that the Polish just cheat a little, Hungary I knew already not working very hard or at all, that the Czech Republic is the most developed and to never go near Russia (I knew this already), and that the majority of the Bulgarians and Romanians still have outdoor toilets. It's like Ballenberg all over again!

All in all, as always an interesting evening. Plus the benefit of walking up the stairs and being home!


Anonymous said...

oh, dear, what can you do with a fish like that. I wonder if there is a species that it wont attack.


Witchbitch said...

A shark :) ?