Friday, October 04, 2013

New building

There is a new house being built in my hood, containing approx 15 flats and today when I passed by a sign said "welcome". Ha! I love seeing other peoples houses, and either marvel over their choice of interior, or be disgusted when I see what they have chosen.

All of the flats were different (yes I checked out all apartments in one of the three buildings). No way would I've chosen the flats on the ground floor, with a living room and kitchen next to a street so that everybody can look in, unless you choose to have covering curtains, but then what's the point of having windows there?

And that bright shiny red kitchen? What could they possibly have been thinking? Or those tiles in one of the bathrooms?

But all in all, they were all new, spacious and smelled fresh. One had a very big wash-room which I thought was very nice.

But the top floor was a bit funny. First bedrooms and then you had to walk around like 180° to get to the living room and kitchen. I think they might be cooks or bakers, since they had two normal ovens and one microwave, as well as a sorta cupboard that can be heated up for plates and stuff.

All of them had terraces or balconies with a half-decent view. Lots of wooden floors, none of them as nice as my granite ditto :).

Nah, I prefer mine but if I had had the cash I would've bought one of them to let. It's a good location, and as the city grows it'll probably only go up in value.

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