Thursday, October 24, 2013

Dinner in alcoholic sauce

Was invited to friends tonight for a late b-day dinner. And I brought a friend, who they hadn't met before. It's always interesting to see how new people interact with each other.

But as expected it all went fine, and they got along well together. Some old stories, some new stories and all in all a very pleasant evening.

Dinner was delish with meat in an alco-sauce and baked rosmarin potatoes, just as I like it.

And pics will be added as soon as friend can be arsed to send them. Don't hold your breath, since this is a guy who responded to my long email with the words "I'll be there". Men!

On the other hand I am inclined to forgive him, since he brought a whole wagon filled with boxes of my fav wine. Men!

Can't live with them, can't shoot'm!

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