Friday, October 04, 2013

Ballenberg XII

So there were houses from all over Switzerland. All of them smelled bad, but what can one expect after being so old? But they were all pretty, and in original stand. Amazing when one thinks about it. This is how people lived. And not only in Switzerland, there were similar standards in other countries.

All wood, all very basic with a fireplace, some beds, the better ones with a living room. What is great though is that they took really good care of their animals. There were shelters, hay, and in some houses the cows, goats and sheep and other domestic animals were living on the ground floor, and the people upstairs. Close relationships. Not exactly privacy.

Some houses had straw roofs. Which when you think about it is very clever. Straws are hollow, and the water runs straight through the straws, yet being insulating.

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