Monday, October 21, 2013


Haha, I gotta laugh. I live in a house with four flats, and a twin house above that kinda belongs with us. Six families. A small community.

Yesterday I got a visit from one of them, and in the course of the conversation was asked about my volunteering job. I guess it was because I asked this neighbour to print out the document my computer couldn't read, and they read it before delivering it to me. No big deal. I have no secrets.

And then today I was visited by another neighbour, who asked the same question. Rumours are flying around quickly in this house.

Turned out my volunteering maybe two Saturdays a month for like three hours each time has gone into working full-time in an old peoples home.

After four years they don't know me at all. Me working full-time for no money? HAHAHAHAHA.

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