Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The boys

So the boys did come for dinner, even though they never accepted the invitation. Ok to be honest, this is how it went. Email yesterday to one of them. Today at lunchtime still no answer so sms'd. He claimed he was "just texting me". Yeah right. Anyway, got a call (at a very inconvenient place, since I have this 'oktoberfest' signal) to say he'd be there. Sms'd the other guy to tell him to be there. No time to be polite, more like "18.30-19.00 just show up" kinda sms. Since he's German he didn't answer, just took the instruction. They are used to that, ze Germans :) Anyway, I had like 10 min to prepare dinner. Fine by me. Have a chair in the kitchen, sit the visitors down, get them a drink, and talk to me while I prepare dinner. Excellent. If they are two, they can share the chair :) But responsible as they are, they just left. Which leaves me...the less responsible...


Anonymous said...

The boys

YES MAM! Always take instructions without any comment. But there is no need to comment on good wine or food like at your place. Just accept the invitation and show up.

Witchbitch said...

HA! My point exactly. And you do take instructions so well...we're gonna get along just fine :)

John said...

Perfect preparation or not...I would have loved to have been there for some Swedish Spaghetti! And wine...oh let's not forget the wine! Color me...jealous!

J in NJ, USA

Witchbitch said...

Is Green your surname?

Anonymous said...

... diner was delicious as always. looking forward to get sort of swedish - german dishes at your place - coming up soon. - and yes you are right - there some boys busy too, not only the girls. but finally we made it ...

Witchbitch said...

Always a pleasure!