Thursday, May 31, 2007

Living together

In Switzerland it is called wohngemeinschaft (or however it is spelled). You share an apartment, and therefore also the responsibilities that come with running a household. The key word is share. It does not mean that the same person is responsible for: Making sure there is toilet paper. Always wash the shower curtain, bathroom mats and placemats. Filling up on washing powder, soap and cleaning material. Cleaning up after the other has used the kitchen. Always filling up and emptying the dishwasher. Always emptying bins and taking out the trash. It also means that you are considerate regarding noise when one person is sleeping. That you keep the television on lower sound in case you watch during the night. That you keep the other person informed of your comings and goings, without “reporting”. In case you’re for example plan to spend the night elsewhere. That you let the other person know if you plan to have guests. Things in general include to switch off lights when you’re not in the room, not put fire to the kitchen, not leave the ironer on when not using it, same goes for stove. Not leave the door unlocked, when specifically asked not to. You may think this is common sense, and so do I. But apparently it isn’t to everybody. And of course above all, have no problems with me blogging about it :)


Anonymous said...

'Living together'
oh dear, oh dear. I hope this is the old guy and not the new guy you're talking about. Although I do suspect that perhaps the way you see it is more like its your place with someone else living there too, which isnt really a wohngemeinschaft, and kinda affects the status quo

Witchbitch said...

Still, it's sharing the mentioned responsibilities, don't you think?

Anonymous said...

you always will be the one who rents the flat and has full responsiblity unless it is your partner and this can not be changed.

Anonymous said...

... did you set up the rules for the next guy? ...

Anonymous said...

"living together"

I don't understand which status Annika's "living together" has if not Wohngemeinschaft (WG).

I live in a 2 people WG where I’m the sub lessee and it’s a flat-sharing community with rights and duties.

Well, it’s more common that more than 2 people share a flat but 2 are as well a WG. The case we would not call it WG is when the both are a couple.

Ze German

Witchbitch said...

New guy knows...believe me :)