Monday, May 28, 2007


It is said that you can never be careful enough in your choice of parents. I think a friend of mine made a wonderful choice. This friend was quite old when he came out as gay, 25 or so. Obviously somebody must have suspected, since he never brought any girls home, but it wasn't out in the open. So one day he decided to come clean. His Mum was doing the dishes, when he suddenly burst out "Mum, I'm gay". She burst into tears, and ran out of the room. Which was a tad distressing to my friend. After about 10 minutes she came back saying "I'm ok now. And I want to meet your boyfriend". Isn't that the sweetest story?


John said...

...great story. When I told my mom, I just said it this way: "You know I'm gay don't you?" (I assumed she knew..I wasn't flamboyant or anything, but never had a real girlfriend.) She said "no..I didn't know that" She asked me if I was happy. I said yes. She asked me if I was being safe (sex) I said yes. I asked her if this would change anything between us and she said "of course not!'re my son I love you!" And that was that. I think really she wishes that I could have given her a grandchild or two, like my brother and sister..but other than that..she's always been cool with it. A little surprising since her generation didn't even have one nice word to describe gay people! Now she watches "Will and Grace" and laughs her head off! Imagine!

John said...

..forgot to sign the above coming out story...

J in NJ, USA

Witchbitch said...

Sounds like you chose your parents well too.

Have you told your Mum to watch Queer as folk?

John said...

I've seen mom is cool, but I think that one might be a bit much for her...!

Witchbitch said...

Never underestimate Mums :)

Besides, I think you registering as John kinda gave me a clue to who you were :) did know that you can click the Anonymous button for comments??

John said...

oops...I didn't see that..oh I'm out in Zurich too!

Witchbitch said...

It's a global world, babe :)