Thursday, May 24, 2007

John Wayne never drank latte

Met the typical Swiss guy today. He told me that he would never order a latte macchiato in a cafe, since "John Wayne never drank latte". To be honest, I don't think the term latte existed in the times when John Wayne did, but never mind, that wasn't the point. According to "macho" man it's too gay. Although he admitted that there is nothing wrong with being gay when questioned. However, he told me that at home he would definitely make his own latte. Double standards? Absofuckinglutely!


Anonymous said...

'John Wayne...'
doesnt sound anything like a Swiss to me, more like a typical American guy.

Witchbitch said...

Well, the guy is Swiss, but he spent some years in the US of A where he learned not to order latte.