Tuesday, May 22, 2007


Ok, so maybe Scandinavians aren’t perfect. If you look a little bit closer, this may be it: Norwegians – Love their “hytte” which is a cabin somewhere on a mountain. Preferably with no toilet and no other hygiene facilities. They loooove their country life they say, which is funny considering how many people who live in the cities. Always leave the office at 4 pm, no matter what. Family and friends are more important than work. Strangely enough they are more efficient-working than most nationalities I have come across. Difficult to open up, men once they do they become lifetime friends. A bit like the Swiss. Danish – Individualists. Workwise you can sit in a meeting and agree on whatever. Then everybody goes off and does something completely different. Refreshing and frustrating at the same time. Danish people certainly know how to enjoy life. No ban on ciggies or alcohol there. No ban on anything in fact. And when something doesn’t suit a Dane, they parade about it in best case, or more often, go on strike. Charming people. Swedes – Conformists. Have lived with a social democratic government for 50 years. Complain but never loud. And never so that anybody who’s in a position to change anything hears it. “It always worked so well in the past” is something you often hear, which means just because it worked before the Swedes think it will also in the future. Not big on changes. Strangely enough the Swedes think that everything is better managed in Sweden than anywhere else. Perhaps it’s why they are so far from the rest of Europe. Redeeming factor: the Stockholm archipelago. It’s gorgeous.


Anonymous said...

Spot on! Well, having lived in all three countries I guess you must be little bit of all three, right?:) Maybe not the hytte part.

Witchbitch said...

You're right. Nothing of Norway in me!