Sunday, May 20, 2007


Was out in Zürich city with an American the other day. Turns out he has a somewhat...hmmm...unnatural obsession with Smart cars. I say unnatural because who in their right mind would be interested in a car like this?


Anonymous said...


what do you man? Smart cars are great!! so easy to drive, never have trouble getting into a parking space and they're fuel efficient with low emissions, and very cute.

Witchbitch said...

He's American. Bigger is better type of mentality, remember? But agree to being handy, though not cute. The Smart, not the man :)

Anonymous said...

I think, he may be fed up with huge american cars, so, in his eyes a Smart is exotic and cute. You always want what you don't have.

Witchbitch said...

You've got a point. And today he confirmed again that he find them cute. I just don't understand...

Anonymous said...

There are even little sugar bags in restaurants with Smart cars on them. A new collector's item?

Witchbitch said...

Perhaps for the Americans :) Here in Switzerland we have them 'live'...