Sunday, May 20, 2007


Once in a lifetime you will see a pic of me on this blog. Actually that is not true, posted one long time ago and then deleted the next day. Which is exactly what will happen with this pic. But in the meantime, enjoy. I certainly did :) to two gorgeous guys.

PS. Note the shiny nails :)


Anonymous said...

surprised indeed to see a pic of you on the blog, but we need a full length one so we can see the new, skinny you ;)

Witchbitch said...

Oh no, cannot go that far...

Anonymous said...

... i proof that she really lost weight and looks terrific. looking for the next boat tour and i will see a little more ... and maybe let you know?

Witchbitch said...

No cameras allowed on the boat :)!!

Anonymous said...

quiz: which nationalities are these people?

Witchbitch said...

3 different :)