Thursday, May 24, 2007

Candlelight party

Ok, it is an oxymoron in itself. Either candlelight (romantic) or party (lotsa people, lotsa fun) I say. Well, was invited to one this evening. It's like a Tupperware party but with candles. Somebody plays hostess (always a woman for some reason) and somebody else comes and presents products that are grossly overpriced (what's wrong with IKEA?). You have to endure a presentation and then place an order preferrably. There is always a sorta free gift involved. If you buy for more than 50 CHF you get this fantastic candle for only 16 CHF kinda thing. I tried to order to get out of there (it seemed impolite not to), but no go. First I had to go through the process of smelling about 600 different scents. I think after about the 3rd all of it smelled the same to me. Was told to smell coffee beans in between getting too many scent impressions, which would apparently refresh my smelling sense. I opted for another glass of wine. Finally, after 2,5 hours and about 100 CHF I was out. After politely declining the kind offer of being the hostess of the next party, claiming all sorts of reasons being busy. All I gotta do now is to pick up the candles when they arrive about 2 weeks from now. PS. You would think that smelling all of these scents that they would have the candles I wanted with those exact scents. Not. Certain candles apparently come with certain scents. A bit like the Swiss :) PPS. Check out this supposedly worldwide company. All in German :)


Anonymous said...

'candlelight party'

you spent 100 CHF on smelly candles! oh dear. however did you end up at such an event in the first place?

Witchbitch said...

It was a guilt thing. I had declined about 3 other invitations.