Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Reading between lines

I try very hard not to laugh when people try to speak other languages, since I know how difficult it can be. But sometimes they just don't get it right. And for the record, I'm one of them. Like today. I was talking to somebody saying I am really tired and I need to take a nap before going out tonight. His answer was "I would like to join you". Well for the English speaking audience this would mean that he was hitting on me, right? But since I know he isn't fluent I knew he just meant that he would like to take a nap too. Not necessarily together. It is hard sometimes not to laugh, but I managed today. It's all about reading between the lines...


Anonymous said...

'reading between the lines'

whats embarrassing is when you get so used to hearing things said by non-native speakers of your language that you understand the meaning of, even though you know its wrong, that you start saying it yourself. i do that all the time.

Witchbitch said...

Yes, I know that feeling. Very annoying.