Thursday, September 19, 2013

Damsel in distress

I have a friend who is always willing to help. To the point that I don't contact him anymore' cause I feel bad. When I do contact him to say I would like him to join me for just a coffee, a (better) type of drink or even something to eat, he's always too busy. But when it comes to a message saying "I need help with putting up a lamp or cleaning out a drain" he's always responding immediately, saying he'll be there.

I dunno what's it's called, but it's kinda a help syndrome. They (men) have to feel useful, helping a damsel in distress.

Now I've met another one. And listen to this. He sees this woman in a Migros shop, follows her, talks to her and tells her how beautiful she is (at this point in the story I'm thinking stalker! but couldn't be more wrong). She responds and agrees to meet him later in a cafe for a drink. What he didn't know at the time was that she was living on social security and had stolen some items in the shop, thinking he was a security guard following her. He was of course proud of himself, newly single, thinking he had still got it.

Long story short, she turned out to be a Russian with a diagnosis borderline, and even though she spent three weeks in a psycho institution, he still visited her every day. And spent a shitload of money on her (she used to give him a list of things to buy every time he visited and he dutifully bought her all the things she wanted!) Until he eventually learned that maybe she wasn't a prospect for the future.

Men! If I wasn't so bloody honest, I could've lived a life in luxury.


Anonymous said...

ah, the rescuer type, also known as suckers. Not just men though, plenty of women who want to take on the down-trodden bad-boy types, save them.
Sure, you could have a luxurious life if you were willing to do all that manipulating, but sounds tiring plus its no fun having to spend so much time with a spineless/low self-respecting person (sorry to you friend but this story really doesn't do him any favours)


Witchbitch said...

He's aware of it, and have enough self confidence to tell the story.