Friday, September 20, 2013

Entailed estate

Tonight I watched a program from my home country, being stunned over how old-fashioned it is. Entailed estate is like in Downton Abbey when only a son can inherit a house and a piece of land, and let the land being farmed by tenants, paying a rent to the owner.

In most countries around the world this old-fashioned law has been changed since decades, yet in my home country it still exists. Shame on them! But I guess a country who still favours a king who cannot spell, or hold a speech even after 40 years of PR training, it's of no use expecting them to be clever.

Never mind, that the tenants have done all the investments in the house, the land and have been there for generations, the politicians still vote for the "master", the owner of the land, to raise the rent with whatever he pleases. Like nearly 50%. Fat lot of good this extra money is gonna do him, being like 95.

Yet at the same time not choosing to let the farmers buy him out, but rather let houses and land fall to pieces.

Glad I left. And no, I'm not looking fw to any comments about it being the same in Switzerland!


Anonymous said...

really? So the owner can't sell the land? How bizarre! and what happens if there's only daughters?


Witchbitch said...

He can but he won't.

In Downton Abbey the inheritance would go to a cousin or some other male relative.

Anonymous said...

ah, but then I don't get the point, isnt that just like everywhere, if you own property you can either live in it or rent it out to someone else?


Witchbitch said...

Yes in a way, but the point was that the owner would rather let the houses stand empty to dilapidate, than sell it off to the people who has maintained the land for generations.