Thursday, September 26, 2013


So finally, after gently pushing, I got an answer to my request for volunteering in an old peoples home. And today I had an interview. My gosh, it's easier getting a paying job than a volunteering one!

Since I have nothing to hide I was very open with details of my own life, as well as how I think I would react in certain situations, and why I want to volunteer.

So the first Saturday in October I will work in the cafeteria, serving coffee and cookies to the oldies and their relatives. Gotta start somewhere!

And I will be getting peer reviews from the two other volunteers working there, so I better behave!


Anonymous said...

yay, you, hope it goes well.

Its sad but true, organisations have to be pretty careful with volunteers. With a paid job you know people are motivated by money but some people can have pretty dodgy motivations for volunteering


Witchbitch said...

I can understand that, and I don't mind. What I did mind was getting no answer to the first email.