Saturday, September 21, 2013

Toilet biz

Ever since my furry ones moved in with me, I have learned to have company at the toilet. At first I closed the door, as normal people do, in order to do what one needs to. Only to be disturbed by little cat claws scraping the door. They really don't like closed doors.

And even today, whenever I have to do No 1 or 2, there is always a cat around my legs. So there am I, with wrapped toilet paper in one hand, and stroking a cat with the other.

It's amazing what one puts up with for love.


Anonymous said...

When I was pregnant I was visiting a public toilet when I suddenly had a terrible fear/premonition of the future that soon I would no longer be able to visit the toilet alone in peace. I kinda freaked out.

But like you said, its amazing what you'll put up with/what doesnt bother you anymore.


Witchbitch said...

A baby would certainly bother me!