Tuesday, September 17, 2013

What a little paint can do

The house across from "mine" is being re-painted. It will raise the appearance of our 'hood, and give me something nicer to look at. Or as a friend phrased it "it'll raise your tax value". Oh dear. So not good.

But still, I think we're moving in the right direction. The corner of that house used to have a "erotic dvd-shop" for a couple of months before they folded, and now it's an "Asian massage" studio. Personally, I'm looking forward to when it'll be a bakery or something useful.

However, it made me remember when I was in the Caribbean, and the five-star-hotel I stayed in offered a "Swedish massage". I was curious, and booked a session. It turned out to be a massage, quite normal back ditto, lying on a bed, overlooking the ocean, and with a chatty Australian. And me being brought back to the hotel in a taxi, all oily from the massage, almost gliding into the front floor of the car.

So that was then, me exploring the world, and now I'm getting excited about a house being re-painted. Could it be age :) ?


Anonymous said...

Ooo, looks like a whole new building! Surely means they're going to put something less dodgy there if the go to the cost of the whole re-paint


Witchbitch said...

Let's hope so, even though I'm guessing that the owner is willing to let to anybody who can pay the rent.