Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Friends mean a lot

You know, there are friends and there are friends. Some happen to live in the same country and some don't. Some you are in contact with often, and some you don't.

Today I was lucky to be in touch with two of them. One who lives in Switzerland, and who I met today. Funnily enough we hadn't seen each other for maybe three months, due to busy times and holidays on her part, and me not wanting to impose on busy peoples lives. Nevertheless, it's always a pleasure to meet and catch up. Things happen in life, even in mine! I guess the difference is I blog about it, so when we meet it's more me listening than talking. Example: me: "so I've been trying to volunteer", she: "yes I know, I read about it on the blog". Haha, my own fault. And then I was told what I did wrong with the "application".

Later this evening I was skyped by somebody I hadn't heard from for I think two years. This is a person I successfully matchmaked with her current husband, and since I know they now have two kids, I believe I can confidently say I succeeded. And same thing here, when people get kids I can stay away and wait for them to take contact, no problem. Even if I don't know much about kids myself (other than giving a lot of unwanted advice I'm sure), I understand these are busy times.

But good friends always come back. And I heard something about teaching the 5-year-old to ski. Yes, I think there shall be a visit sometime within the next few years.

And yes, I'm definitely talking to the kid-loving neighbour about housing two children.


Anonymous said...

matchmaKED???? Wouldn't you say matchmade?

Witchbitch said...

I should have. Silly me.