Friday, September 06, 2013

You're too young!

These are words I don't hear that often anymore, so I gotta say it was genious of me to find an older friend. Older than me that is.

We spent four hours on the lake today talking about everything and anything, like hospitals and operations we had, to food we like (I'm gonna cook wienerschnitzel and he's countering with chateau-briand), like politics in Switzerland to places we've visited, to dogs and cats vs strange pets like reptiles and fish to history to Obama to building construction to neighbours to...

Actually the weirdest thing was a story about somebody who died in the flat-building he lives in. He didn't live there then, but he heard. Somebody died and nobody knew, until the neighbours started to smell something fishy. Yeah a dead body. And the owner who lived elsewhere didn't wanna pay for renovation (apparently a body stinks so much you have to rip the whole apartment apart and redo it in order to get rid of the smell). But the rest of the flat-owners took a vote and made her renovate. And right they were if you ask me!

Most flat-buildings where I come from prefer that the owner her or himself actually live in the flat they own, 'cause they tend to care more. Something to think about re the owners of the flat underneath me!

Anyway, we rounded the evening off with an introduction for new friend incl dog at my fav bar. Not a bad day at all!


Anonymous said...

I had to look up what 'chateau-briand' was, so steak then ;)

hmmm, its one thing to subject people to 'your' bar, but innocent dogs!
anyway, glad you're having fun.


Witchbitch said...

We were sitting outside, dogs not allowed in there.