Friday, September 27, 2013

Zürich is a small city

So when I was visiting the old peoples home yesterday, I noticed they had a cat tree. Turns out they have two cats, one that belongs to the home and one who lives in the hood and comes visiting.

I think it's great. Even if people do not have the possibility to take care of own pets, they can still enjoy the company of a cuddly cat.

When I told my dog friend about it, he informed me that he might be the one who provided them with a kitten. We still don't know if it's the same cat, but his Mum used to live across from that home and he used to visit her regularly, thus knowing about the home across the street. And he had kittens at the time.

The more people I get to know here, the more I feel it's one big family.


Anonymous said...

so, how was it? good?

I must admit I quite like that we have some cats that come by for a short visit, but am glad I don't have to looks after one myself. although that said, just before I read this I saw the neighbours new cat pooping in our garden, that I could do without!


Witchbitch said...

Yes, good meeting.

Hey, you change nappies on a baby, which is far more yikes than picking up a little cat poo.

Anonymous said...

yes, I have enough mess of my own to deal with, why should I have to clean up poop from someone else, and at least I know exactly where my child's mess is, those cats leave their poop all over the place.

Witchbitch said...

I bet your kid annoys people too. So maybe try to be a bit empathetic?