Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Mum 77

If my mother would've still lived, she would've been 77 today. When I was little I thought that my parents would always live, as children do. Never mind that you fight with them, or have a different opinion, it's still a security to know that they are always there, knowing you better than anyone, and supporting you even if you make the wrong choice once in a while.

I was talking to somebody today, saying exactly that, how she would've loved to know I have a great apartment, two very, very, very cute cats and how I enjoy life. And then my friend remarked "she would've loved your niece too". Oh yeah, forgot about her.

But yes, my Mum was a loving person. She was the one who talked to the alcoholic sitting on the bench downtown, being kind, she was the only one who visited an old auntie with no family of her own, she was the one taking care of everybody else before thinking about herself.

I know, I make her sound like a friggin saint, but certainly, in comparison to me, she was.

RIP Mum.

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