Monday, September 23, 2013

The helper comes in handy

So today the guy who always wants to help came in handy. We had decided to take the boat out for a last cruise this year, weather was great, and I was in bikini ready to go. The boat was ready, and then...absolutely nothing. The engine didn't give so much as a sigh. There was nothing.

There is a battery switch which I thought I had forgotten to open or close (can never remember which is which), but either way the engine was dead. Dead as a I-dunno-what, but stone dead. I guess as dead as the parrot in the Monty Python-sketch.

First I had to convince the helper that I wasn't kidding (he had been reading the blog), and then he looked. And looked. Finally he extracted the battery from the cabling going on down there, and will take it with him to have it checked. Mind you, it's 14 years old and may need replacing. The battery that is.

However, I'm not entirely sure that it is the battery. I think it would've given at least a wee sign of life since it worked fine last week. Then I was thinking it was a cable that somehow got disconnected, but I'm not gonna go there. I have no idea where to start.

No, I think I'm looking at a call to the boat people, hoping they can fix it without having to tow the boat all the way to their place. Better start saving up!

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