Friday, September 06, 2013

Commercial tv

I watch a few American shows now and then, and also other foreign shows. What irritates me is not so much the commercials, you can always take a toilet moment, go to the kitchen or do something while the sound of people trying to sell this and that drones on, no it's something else that makes me mad.

The re-runs. So you watch the beginning of a show, and learn to fast-forward the introduction that usually lasts 1,5 minute and off you go. Until the first commercial break 10 minutes later. Ok, fine, again you go do something (refill a glass of white is my fav), but then!

Coming back after the break they give you a re-run of what happened the first 10 minutes! Do they think I have Alzheimers or am going senile? If so, it wouldn't matter would it? 'Cause then I wouldn't remember anyway. Do they think somebody just switched on the telly to start watching the program in the middle? If so, why do all the other people watching the show have to be tortured because some people can't tell time?

I don't get it. I think maybe people get dumber and dumber these days.

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