Saturday, May 12, 2007


What a day! Boat theory from 8.00-16.30. Then a ride on the lake for an hour (the best part of my day :). Theory is a lot. I've now got two books, one leaflet and one cd which I have to learn if I want to try the test with the authorities. You have to have 56 right out of 60. It ain't easy. Especially since they include lotsa stuff on sail boats, which interest me about as much as...hmm...kissing a woman on the mouth I suppose. Also, because this is Switzerland, they have different rules for different lakes. The cantons can never agree on ONE standard. And I have to learn them all. When will I have time? But it was kinda fun despite all the theory. There were five students, whereof 3 were guys. Of those 2 were cute, even though a bit too young for me (since when did that stop me :) ?). Lastly we took a ride on the same boat I have used in my lessons. Only 2 students, the other one of the cute guys. He was driving a boat for the first time in his life, and you could clearly see how much fun he had. I know the feeling. And he did good. We did a couple of buoy overboard exercises and one round in one of the harbours. Plus some speeding on the lake of course :) absolute favourite!


Anonymous said...

... and did you change phone numbers? ...

Witchbitch said...

No we didn't. Perhaps I should've?

Anonymous said...

... now you just dream and ask yourself how it would have benn, if ...?

Witchbitch said...

Well, plenty of fish in the sea (and in Zürichsee :)...