Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Sense of direction

I am lacking this particular gene and apparently this is another thing to learn. If the inspector says I have to go back to the home harbour or any other harbour in the neighbourhood, I have to know where I'm going. Why? I always find my way back to Zürich city :) This will cause trouble since I never know where I am (you know what I mean). They always point out a building or something so you can learn. See this yellow building? Yes, and 20 more like it. See that church? Yes, and three more. That type of thing. This together with the knots will probably be my downfall. The teacher today gave me a tip. Said that four knots you really have to learn, but if the inspector thinks you did only so-so on the test he or she will probably test you on the other five knots as well. Gee, thanks. Only nine left to learn :)


Anonymous said...

Seems to me that this came up over the weekend, and I would have to agree that a sense of direction may not be a significant strength. But cooking is a different story.

Witchbitch said...

Thanks. I think :)