Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Always waiting for men

Why is it that I always have to wait for men? Like today. We agreed that I would do the shopping and that M would meet me in front of the store to help carry the groceries. I was early as usual which wasn't his fault exactly, and when I got an sms that he would be on time I actually believed it. Ok, so he wasn't more than 7 min late (yes, of course I was counting :)...but then he needed to do some shopping too, so ended up having to wait like half an hour. It is hot and humid in Zürich today, and I only had a salad for lunch so grumpiness is the mood for now...


Anonymous said...

Women can be so difficult to handle. They normally complain that men are too fast. Now a certain man seems to be too slow. Women...tell me what you want!

Witchbitch said...

I guess perfection is too much to ask for :)??

Seriously, just someone in sync with me. How difficult can it be?

Anonymous said...

7 minutes is not late, it has to be at least 10 minutes before its counted as late

not Fee-soy, or any other cat

Witchbitch said...

In my world being 1 minute late is 1 minute too late :)

Anonymous said...

lucky I dont live in your world then