Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Happy camper

NOT!!! So I get up early on my first day of holiday, in order to go 6 stops with the bus to pick up that registered letter than someone sent me. Only to be told that they had given me the wrong post office address, and that I had to go to another office. IRRITATED! So hop on the tram, and go to the next office. But hey! Where is it? It's not where it used to be. So asked a lady on the street (in my best German, which obviously wasn't very good since she switched to English immediately...) who told me that this office was closed. For good. And that I now had to go to...guess where? The post office located in my nearest Coop. I couldn't believe it. Ok, so then I walked to Coop to finally pick up the letter. And guess what it was!!! A fucking raise of my rent! I should've just let them send the friggin letter back...


Anonymous said...

happy camper

... to bad of a news! i just had to laugh out very loud - sorry. at least you have learnt a lesson. have fun in the north and say hello ...

Anonymous said...

Packing technique

... well experienced business woman. has m no other problems then packing? well this the thing with ladies ...