Wednesday, June 06, 2007

An obedient man is a happy man

Read this somewhere, and thought it'd be appropriate to share with M. Who promptly claimed he didn't know the word 'obedient'. Good thing I have a dictionary :). So tonight while I was preparing for going out, M was "de-chalking" the shower heads by putting them into some of putz-Peters liquids. F if I know what is was :) Yes, I think we will get along just fine :)


Anonymous said...

An obedient man is a happy man

Well, it is hard to jump around in the shower to catch the water that goes into every direction except the direction it is supposed to go --> on my body. So I decided to make the mornings easier.

And you know roomate didn't even notice it. Something we all should think about. Is she really using water?

Witchbitch said...

Well, I think you're perhaps exaggerating a teeny-tiny bit...besides, toldya am not communicable in mornings. You wanna talk in the morning? Talk to the hand right...

First I need a coupla mugs of coffee...