Thursday, June 28, 2007

Home sweet home

You know the feeling when you've been travelling. It is nice coming home, feeling the "home" smell, park your hat (so to my case my new and extremely cool leather jacket :) and just relax. Then walk around, checking that nothing has changed since you left. Again, no such luck today. Walked into the kitchen and WHAT!!! A housewife or my grandmother (bless her memory) seemed to have moved in. Lavender aroma all over the place. Some small little fabric bags were placed strategically, smelling. So were some sticks in a glass which also smell. Where did my home smell go? Not only that. When I went to the toilet a thingie has been placed inside the toilet bowl. Once of these plastic ones you know that emanate a lemon smell or something. I don't feel at home anymore. Guess I should change the headline to read: Home sweet lavender home...or something :)

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