Sunday, June 17, 2007

Pink II

HAHAHAHA! M just came home. After 2,5 hours on the boat he's matching my colours. Sorry, but I had to laugh. Or at least smile. He claims it hurts. Oh babe, you can borrow my after-sun cream anyday. Or what's left of it. Good thing is we seem to be totally in sync. He wanted to place an order for take-out food. And gosh, do I have just the supplier to recommend. The one that delivers Häagen-Dazs... It is splended not having to choose one or the other...chocolate AND icecream. Total bliss. I would even go as far as saying HAPPINESS!


Anonymous said...

Pink II

Can't we just put the ice cream on the sun burn? That will cool it down!

Witchbitch said...

If there is some left :)