Sunday, June 10, 2007

Men and their creams

What is it with men and their creams, sprays, lotions and other beauty paraphernalia? For the umpteenth time I've had the questionable pleasure of seeing how much men apparently need in order to stay beautiful. Or perhaps handsome is a better name :) Little cotton make-up remover pads, what's up with that? Where do they use it? I still haven't seen them wearing mascara. I just don't get what is wrong with just soap, shampoo and water. Ok, so I use skin lotion, mascara and sometimes a little perfume. That's it. In the boat I have some sunscreen. Men and their hang-ups...don't they get that we love'm anyway??


Anonymous said...

men and their creams

... you just know too many gays. and one thing is for sure, its not the gays who made the heteros to metero - (carnal). this is what comes up when gay life is more interesting than hetero's ...

John said...

..hey this is 2007! Men are the new frontier for the health and beauty product sellers. They've somehow convinced us that this stuff IS important. And interesting to see that men are just as willing as women to reach into their wallets and shell out $$ for this stuff.

Witchbitch said...

Which women? Not me, that's for far too smart :)