Thursday, June 14, 2007

The best sex

Somebody commented before and asked what I want. Which led me to think about it. What do I want? Which I won't reveal just now, but I can tell you about the best sex I had. It was with a guy I kinda fell in love with, but not really. He was married with kids and I knew about that. We were very attracted to each other, and it helped that we were both working on a project, stuck in a hotel in a foreign city. Lots of time on our hands (and other body parts :) in the evenings and weekends. He was the unreliable type of guy, nobody I would like to spend my life with exactly, but nevertheless interesting. Creative like hell. Lots of ideas. Exciting. You never knew his next move. And despite all this macho shit he projected, he was a surprisingly good lover. Not good, fantastic. Perhaps the situation also added to the excitement. And we are not in touch anymore, but I still remember him with fondness. Just thought you'd like to know :)


John said...

sometimes..when you know it can't last, or is only a temporary brings out the best in both the bedroom that is. I think it's the lack of pressure...the trick is to find and keep that same passion when you're with someone you want and can be with for a long time.

can be tricky..(pun intended)..


Witchbitch said...

Perhaps the most passion (and sex) is between people who do not live together? No chance to get bored...