Sunday, June 17, 2007

Slight mix-up

Ok, so this speaking German thing is not exactly working out 100%. Overheard M talking to my friends on Friday how tiring it was speaking German with me. Yes I know the feeling honey. Speaking with somebody who is not fluent is a lot of work. But I could always raise the rent :) So today on the boat I insisted. Was trying to explain something, which is where it went a bit wrong. I was saying something like "for example" using the word vorspiel. Oh dear, that means foreplay. Example in German is beispiel. Similar isn't it? Spiel as spiel right? Got it when I saw the smile on M's face. To his defense I must say he didn't laugh out loud. But the smile got me thinking, and I got my mistake before he had to explain it to me. Think both of us have to make more of an effort...I would be delighted to be able to speak my mother tongue at home...why aren't you M?

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