Saturday, June 09, 2007

My butt

My butt is my butt, ok? But apparently people find it appropriate to comment. Why? Beats me. It's not exactly like I go around commenting on other people's body parts. So why do they do it with me? No clue. Swiss guy yesterday: your butt is smaller. Eastern European guy today: well, you gotta understand that men have more muscles in their butts than women. Aussie guy today: where has your butt gone? Swedish guy agreeing: yes, where is it? I so much now want to tell you what I think of their body parts, but since I have a sense of decency I won't...


Anonymous said...

my butt

... are these manly gays which comment your butt? welcome in the club. this means you are a very important person - sort of famous ...

Witchbitch said...

Hey, I'm famous! I can live with that, just not comment on my butt ok :)!