Sunday, June 10, 2007


Just had the most terrible nightmare. All of a sudden I don't like being alone...


Anonymous said...

Don't worry, it was only a dream and now it's over, the sun is shining and then the trolls burst.


Witchbitch said...

Yes, everything looks different in sunshine...

John said...

weird..I had one too..Friday night. And I don't usually have them..I got up, turned on the light and the t.v and then started reading. In about twenty minutes I was sleepy again. Went right back to sleep...but left the t.v on!

Witchbitch said...

Took me a good hour to go back to sleep.

Anonymous said...

i had tonight a very bad dream, dead people were looking after me, i couldn't find a place to hide!even they tuched me with their hands, i run again, but they found me...and i woke up..alone

Witchbitch said...

One of the few times I miss a man in my bed, after a nightmare...and perhaps other times too...but mostly not. It is nice not having a snoring person next to you.