Tuesday, June 26, 2007


So much for loyalty. Here I am, on holiday, with a keyboard that differs from the one at home. And still I blog. Ok, I know I said that I wouldn't but when I found a computer online I blog. But where are you my dear readers? Not a loyal bone in your bodies...and here I wanted to include a smiley but can't find the keys... M has apparently gone into hiding...not answering sms...which makes me wonder what state my flat will be in when I get back...oh dear, do I really have to worry now? Had a walk-through a garden today...interesting how many plants, herbs, flowers, vegetables etc etc you can have...remind me to tell you about murder snails later... Anyway, (or anzwaz as mz kezboard sazs :)), a littl bit drnk nw :)...hahaha...me so funnz :)


Anonymous said...


I answer all your text messages...always when I have time and the mood to do it ;-)

Witchbitch said...

And the mood is exactly when :)??