Thursday, June 28, 2007

Being met

There are few things in life that are so nice as being met at an airport. Especially when you have travelled as much as I have for work, and there never is anybody waiting. Therefore I was pleasantly surprised when the ex offered to pick me up today. Not that I trusted him. Wise from experience, but nevertheless I was looking forward. I don't care that I had to send one email (which he never read), answer one phone call when I again gave him all the flight info, and this morning once again gave him the arrival details on sms. He actually showed up. V. nice. Especially since I had 23,4 kg luggage. Heavy. Not as heavy as last year when I had about 28 kg's, but that was probably because I had hand luggage this year with 10 kg's :)...only books. So when I was stopped at customs, I only had the blue gin that M ordered (why oh why? It tastes like shit. And of course ciggies for me). Plus some candy. If the guy would've been good-looking I would've asked for a body-search, but no such luck today...


Anonymous said...

'being met'
dont be knocking the blue gin, cant possibly taste worse than dried out leaves covered in tar, wrapped in paper and set on fire

Witchbitch said...

You have no idea...

Anonymous said...

'being met'
having tasted both, I have plenty of idea, although I must admit that taken in combination they do tend to improve each other's taste