Tuesday, February 15, 2011

a. A.

It is not always easy to understand ze Swiss. Last week I got an email saying I had to be at Affoltern a. A. Well, as far as I knew Affoltern is a suburb to Zürich and AA means Alcoholics Anynomous. Very weird. When asking an aborigin (i.e. local from Switzerland) I got the information that a. A. means am Arsch. At the ass (of the world I would imagine). Hmm. Really I think it means am Amstel (or similar), at the river Amstel. But I'm sticking to the translation I got, am Arsch. And yes, there are two Affoltern. The one I knew is Zürich suburbia. The other one is located a. A.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's Affoltern am Albis, a Hill not a river :-))A