Friday, February 18, 2011


In the late 80's I had an idea I wanted to help the world. So I applied to the United Nations, saying I wanted to join the peace force in Croatia. My CV got me all the way into the short-list, thousands applied, but it all ended when they phoned up my reference. He was my current boss, and being him he was honest saying something like "she's very good, but she's difficult". Not entirely sure what he said but in hindsight I should've chosen another reference! So I never went to Croatia, but funnily enough I'm still friends with the former boss. Still not sure why :).


MJW said...

Give the guy a medal. You probably would have met a soldier in Croatia, married him, got 3 kids and lived in the country side in northen Sweden. Then again, you might have loved that....

Witchbitch said...

Haha, that hit home right :)? And despite knowing me for so long you think I would have loved kids and the country side? Nah, don't think so.

Anonymous said...

wow, really. I never would have pictured you on a UN peace keeping mission. Just goes to show we still havent spent nearly enough time drinking wine and talking yet.

Witchbitch said...

Well, I never went, did I? And it was back in the 80's.

I am ALWAYS up for a drink and a chat!