Friday, February 18, 2011

Prada vs Dior

Bet you're a bit surprised to see me blogging about fashion. Probably the understatement of the year. But yesterday I took a walk with a friend in town and on Bahnhofstrasse there are plenty of expensive fashion stores. We browsed the windows at Prada, and I couldn't help laughing out loud. Really ugly stuff that cost like 2,000 francs. I wouldn't be seen dead in this so called fashion. My friend told me he would end our friendship if I would wear one of these dresses. And rightly so. Dior on the other hand had fairly nice stuff. Not nicer than you can find in H&M though, but definitely 20 times more expensive. Qualitywise I could imagine that it is a tiny difference, but who wants to pay so much for a piece of clothing that anyway is out of fashion next year? Good thing that this doesn't bother me. I am happy to wear the same year after year after year. My current favourites are the two sweaters with a zipper in front. The only thing I could wear when I wasn't able to move my arm. Gotten so used to them, so am reluctant to suddenly change. All changes aren't good :). And even though I think my friends would appreciate me dressing up once in a while, they are happy with me for being me. That's more important than any clothes in the world!

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