Tuesday, February 22, 2011


I am unusual. This is no news to me, and shouldn't be to anybody who knows me. I'm thinking about this spa thing that everybody thinks is great. Getting pampered, bathed, drained in oils, being exposed to all sorts of strange aromas, and getting people I don't know touching me. I don't like it at all. I have enough problems with the hairdresser I visit twice a year, and who insists on massaging my head while washing my hair. I hate it. Don't touch me! I especially hate those who think they know massaging and want to practise it on me. Get it over with asap. But I seldom say so, I endure and try to be polite. Silly me. It's just that it would seem impolite to decline, after all they try to do their best. But I'm sorry, my body is mine and unless I say so, pls stay away. PS. Hugging is ok, as long as it's brief :)

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