Wednesday, February 02, 2011


Money doesn't make you happy is a good old cliché that happens to be true. Which is probably why it's called a cliché in the first place. What money does is buying you comfort and peace. Never having to wake up thinking where the next meal will come from, or how you can afford to pay the rent. When I go out with my friends I would like to play on equal terms. If somebody has less than I, I don't mind paying some more. What I don't like is when somebody is starting to use my generosity. Then I get irritated. And if I go out a lot with the same friends I pay once, maybe twice, perhaps even three times, then he or she pays the fourth time. No problem with that either, since in the end it always equals out. What I do have big problems with is if somebody turns me down. I offer to pay, and it consistently is turned down. And I happen to know this person doesn't have my means. The fact that I may have paid more over the years doesn't matter. Tonight I'm invited to a friend like that. We shall have a talk. If he once more turns down my offer to pay going out, it will be the last dinner we have together.


Followinglight said...

You can pay for my meal anytime. How about the 12th?

Witchbitch said...

Hehe, you're on. Just make sure your GF has a good nights sleep before...

Anonymous said...

really? I think you're being unfair. I would find it patronising if people insisted on paying all the time because 'I know you don't have my means'. Doing that is the exact opposite of playing on equal terms to me. Couldn't you either go to places where things don't cost so much so your friend can afford it or have a meal and wine at home?

Witchbitch said...

What I mean is that I have ended up paying several times in a row, and I have no problem with that. It's when I start to feel used I get irritated. It's not directed to any particular person right now, but stuff I experienced earlier.

These days I am more than happy inviting people to my home instead of going out. Imagine that!

Anonymous said...

yes, I totally understand that - I really hate that when the same people never offer to pay, or have several drinks in a group and conveniently have to go right before its their round. Once of is fine but some people I know seem to do it every time - I wont go out with them anymore or I just go for the everyone pays their own way option when in groups with them. But I thought you were also complaining about your friend refusing to be paid for?

Witchbitch said...

Yes, two different issues and not very clearly explained by me. This particular person makes a scene every time I want to pay. I have explained to him that he pays once, I pay once but he insists on paying too often. But it's all sorted now.

Told him it was rude not to accept that I pay. Simple as.