Thursday, February 24, 2011


Since about three weeks I am free from the constant pain in my shoulder and arm. I am becoming a new person. I am also doing physiotherapy every day, both by myself and with the help from friends. Stretching that tendon that hasn't moved in two months is painful, but I am slowly starting to see progress. Would say I am up to 90% mobility. Not sure I will ever regain 100%, but I am hopeful. Now is the time to start milking favours for all its worth. Me in whiny voice "I can't carry, can you please get a box of wine from the basement". Haha. And no, it wasn't planned! A wee bingo-wing left, but in a few weeks I plan to start doing push-ups. Haha, like I ever would!


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that the pain is finally going away. Keep working that tendon..go slowly..but steadily!

you'll be playing volleyball in no time!



Witchbitch said...

Why on earth would I wanna play volleyball :)? But thanks.

Anonymous said...

I was going to comment that I was having trouble imagining you doing push-ups - but imaging you playing volleyball is even funnier! he he

Witchbitch said...

Yeah, yeah. Any sport not involving standing in a bar clapping to the music, and with a glass of wine within reach, is not really my cuppa tea.