Wednesday, February 09, 2011


Think I wrote about this before, but this is a thing I have grown up with. When you leave my place, I always stand in the window waving you goodbye. My parents used to do it, my grandparents did it. It's part of my inheritance. Ok, so my grandparents used to do it from the doorstep, they lived on the ground floor, but the meaning is the same. Most of my friends I had to teach, they used to leave without looking back. Now they do. It's good to know I am leaving traces. I also require from my friendgirls to send me an sms when they are home. Today I got "Home! Sleep well, we hear us tomorrow :)". Me responding: "Yes we see us soon :). Gad we are damaged!". Her: "Hell yeah, but lovin it!". If you didn't get it, it's a straight translation from German to English. Not pretty, but workin' 'ere. Switzerland, we love you! We can only hope you love us back.

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